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Selfie picture of Rick and his daughter

Our Story: Rick With His Daughter

Peer Network

My wife and I grew up in southeastern Idaho, living a block from each other. Being high school sweethearts, we have been married for thirty-four years. Neither of us had been touched by someone special in our younger years. We were blessed with our son in 1983 and our...

Welcome Image



Our Consumer Direct Idaho office has moved from Suite 210 to Suite 150. We are still located on 280 E Corporate Drive, Meridian, Idaho. We invite you to come see our new office or give us a call 1-888-898-0470. We would love to hear how we can serve you!

Blank, Yellow Road Warning Sign and blue sky behind

DOL Releases New Home Care Guide For Families

Announcements| Uncategorized

The US Department of Labor released a resource about the FLSA Home Care Rule. The guide includes information on the companionship exemption and live-in worker exemption as well as information on minimum wage and overtime. Please note, per the CSW employment agreement, more than 40 hours in a week...

Special End of July Webinar: InteGreat! Image

Special End of July Webinar: InteGreat!


  We are always looking to support children and their families receiving services. Here’s a participant based webinar about wraparound services offered by the Idaho Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Special-End-of-July-Webi…

2014 W-2 Information Image

2014 W-2 Information


For 2014 W-2s, the IRS requires that all W-2s be mailed to employees no later than 2/2/2015. In years past the date has been January 31st, but that date is a weekend so the deadline moves to the next business day. Additionally, The IRS has announced that they will...

My Direct Care Maintenance Image

My Direct Care Maintenance


Attention Portal Users:My Direct Care will be inaccessible Thursday, July 3rd, from 7:00 PM to Midnight (MDT) while maintenance is performed.For the duration of maintenance, spending reports, online time entry, review and approval will not be available. Service will be restored as quickly as possible.Atención los Usuarios Del Portal:Mi...

“Cannot Enter Future Time” Web Portal Error Image

“Cannot Enter Future Time” Web Portal Error


We’ve been notified that some people are getting an error on the web portal that states “cannot enter future time.”  This is happening when they attempt to log their time right after it has been worked.  If you receive the “cannot enter future time” error please wait an hour...

Job Board on Web Portal Image

Job Board on Web Portal


Do you need a CSW? Are you a CSW looking for work? Check out the Jobs tab on the Web Portal at  www.mydirectcare.com. This is a place where Employers can post employment opportunities and CSW’s can search for them.
