Suzette and Shannon headshot smiling.

In recognition of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, we asked our Peer Network members “Why accessibility and inclusion is a big deal to you?”

Suzette – Caldwell, Idaho

I am the mother of a beautiful young lady named Shannon. Shannon has been given the amazing opportunity to move into an apartment with one of her peers. An opportunity to experience greater independence, something I have always dreamed about for my daughter. I didn’t think it would ever be possible – a chance to live life like a typical adult! This would not be possible without the resources and supports provided through the many pieces of Inclusion and Accessibility. Shannon is very excited for this new direction in her life! Even with all of these supports, we have found a missing piece that could make this move more successful. That is transportation to get her to work everyday. Her job is very important to her self-esteem, value to her community and ability to support herself. There are transportation options available for medical needs, but not for personal needs. Shopping, socializing and going to work are only accessible if a person is available to drive her. And, it takes all of these pieces to have a full life.